Educational Quality and Improvement Directorate

Mrs. Zufan Abebe
Educational Quality and Improvement Directorate Dirctor


To create consciousness of quality standards and best practices, and promote adherence (compliance) thereto for the efficient and effective delivery of teaching, learning and research, and overall governance of the University in order to safeguard and continuously enhance the quality and standards of Woldia University awards.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of the Quality improvement office is to support the University’s efforts to achieve its vision and mission through the development and implementation of academic programs that meet national and international standards. The objectives of the Quality improvement office include the following;

  • To provide guidance in the development and implementation of internal and external quality assurance procedures and practices.
  • To ensure that academic standards of Woldia university awards and qualifications are maintained and securely managed.
  • To enable students and other stakeholders to have confidence in the proper management of the quality of learning opportunities offered through the programs of study that lead to those awards.
  • To enhance the quality of its educational provision, particularly by building on information gained through monitoring; internal and external reviews and feedback from
  • To ensure that the quality of academic programs at Woldia university meet standards expected by
  • To ensure that graduates have attained skills and knowledge through Woldia university‘s academic-programs those are valued by stakeholders.
  • To provide guidance in identifying internal and external standards and criteria consistent with nationally and internationally recognized standards.
  • To assure quality in appointment, development and performance of staff contributing to teaching and learning policy.
  • To facilitate nationally and internationally accreditation process of our academic programs in woldia university

Duties and Responsibilities

The EQID shall have the following main duties and responsibilities:

    • Develop policies, guidelines, procedures and instrument for quality assurance and au
    • Assess the quality and relevance of education in the University and oversee the implementation of the different units of quality assurance activities.
    • Establish and maintain a set of procedures which allow the University to respond in a systemic and transparent manner to the external requirements of external audit Agen
    • Advise the university management, deans and department heads on quality assurance and enhancement matters;
    • Conduct and /or coordinate research on various issues of quality and relevance of education;
    • Organize training for teaching staff and management on quality and relevance of education
    • Spearheading and coordinating internal self-evaluation of both academic and support provision in the University.
    • Organize and send student satisfaction, survey (SSS), self-evaluation report (SER) and data collection tools (DCT) report to education and training authority (ETA) for institutional and program accreditation

Contact details:     
      Mrs. Zufan
      Director, Educational Quality and Improvement Directorate
      Woldia University
      Email ID:  
      Office line: 