Property Admin Executive

Mr.Temesgen Bihonegn Chekole
Property Admin Executive

About the Office

Property Admin Executive at Woldia University is dedicated to manage and controls properties, which can include:

  • Managing office materials and equipment: Recording, maintaining and distributing office materials and equipment.
  • Purchasing goods and services: facilitating the purchase of goods and services, including operating purchase documents and item specifications
  • Receiving goods: Facilitating the receiving of goods from suppliers.
  • Disposing of used materials: Discarding used materials after getting approval from top lever management.

Based on the new structural arrangement Property Administration Executive office (the former Property Admin Directorate) is well structured as 16 (9 female and 7 male) young staffs. By using this young and task oriented staffs our Vision and Mission will be accomplished successfully.

Duties and Responsibilities of the PAE Office

  • Day-to-day operations; oversee the day-to-day operations of the University property.
  • Record keeping; Maintaining property record.
  • Maintenance and repair; AS Property admin office we are responsible for handling maintenance requests and repair so as to use scarce resource effectively and conduct regular inspections of the property to identify maintenance issues.
  • Effective recording; recording of universities fixed asset as per the contractual agreement according to the history of the asset.


The vision of PAE is to ensure uninterrupted flow of Resources to support teaching learning process in the University and enhancing modern property administration system.


To ensure the availability of the right materials at the right time, price and in the right amount to support University staffs from their day to day activities