Women and Social Affairs Executive
Mrs. Birtukan Wedajnew
Women and Social Affairs Executive

About the Office

The Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive was first established in 2005 by the name Women, Children, and Youth Affairs Directorate, coinciding with the university’s inception. It primary focuses on issues related to women, children, HIV/AIDS, disabilities, and economic support

Executive for Women, social affairs mainstreaming implementation is responsible for leading, guiding, defending and coordinating the Woldia university efforts on gender equality, development and promoting women’s and youth’s empowerment. It designs programs and projects based on the policies and frameworks adopted by Woldia university Member. It also oversees the development and harmonization of gender and youth policies; defines strategies for gender and youth mainstreaming within the Commission.


  • Promoting gender equality
  • Protecting the rights of children especially related to day care issue
  • Securing the rights of women and disabilities
  • Creating a safe and comfortable workplace for women, children, individuals living with HIV/AIDS, people with disabilities, and those facing economic challenges.
  • mainstream the issue of Women’s, Children, Youth, and disability-related issues across the health system,
  • Ensure child health rights through establishing Day Care and breastfeeding corners,
  • Ensure gender-based violence health response by developing a strategic plan,
  • Ensure accessible health services for people with different types of Impairment/ disabilities.
  • Preparing a strategic and annual plan for the Office in collaboration with structure, stakeholders, and partners and cascading to the structure,
  • Provide modularized and standardized training on gender-based violence for health service providers, 
  • Provide capacity-building training to health sector professionals to mainstream the issue of women, children, youth, and disability-related issues
  • Strengthen and expand partnership and collaborations with governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Strengthen coordination with partner organizations and stakeholders.

Monitor and evaluate all activities of the Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office and structures regularly and determine new methods to improve performance.

  • Mrs. Birtukan Wedajnew
  • Executive, Women and social affairs Executive
  • birte212327@gmail.com
  • +251 913174145
  • AD-, G+